Give Big 2024 Sponsorship

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An Opportunity to Support the Largest 24-Hour Giving Day in the State of Montana

From May 2nd through May 3rd, 2024, One Valley Community Foundation encourages everyone in our community, from Big Sky to Belgrade and beyond, to get to know our amazing nonprofits and their causes. With your support, we can reach more neighbors through our networks and encourage everyone to Give Big!

For more information, please contact Jill Ellwood, Nonprofit Programming and Relations Manager | (406) 587-6262 ext.20


Sponsorship Levels

    • Co-branding of Give Big initiative

    • Name and logo on posters and postcards (approx. 9,000)

    • Name and logo in all Give Big-related emails to donors and nonprofits

    • Name and logo on promotional and recap videos

    • Name and logo on all tax charitable gift receipts that are distributed through

    • Opportunity to speak at Kickoff or Finale Celebrations

    • Opportunity to be quoted in the Give Big press release

    • Name and logo recognition on multiple nonprofit prizes awarded throughout the event

    • Logo on 500 signs distributed throughout the county

    • All following befits

    • Named nonprofit prizes valued at $1,500 or more total

    • Option to host Official Donor Lounge, Official Check Donation Station or Official Give Big Photo Booth

    • Opportunity for One Valley to help coordinate corporate volunteer event

    • Company named in Give Big press release

    • Instagram story highlight leading up to Give Big – “Why does your team Give Big?”

    • All following befits

    • Named Nonprofit Prizes valued at $1,000 or more in total

    • Logo included in Save the Date email (sent to 17k+ donors)

    • All following benefits

    • Named Nonprofit Prizes valued at $500 or more total

    • Company tagged in a social post about nonprofit prize (5,500+ followers across platforms)

    • Logo included on Give Big T-shirt

    • Give Big swag (posters, t-shirts, stickers, table tents) to promote Give Big and your support

    • All following befits

    • Listed in Bozeman Daily Chronicle insert about Give Big (reach of 35,000 individuals)

    • Company logo listed and linked on homepage (40,000 site visits during Give Big)

    • Recognized during Give Big Kickoff and Finale