Nonprofit Cafe // Elevating Feedback & Communications with Teams - Virtual Session
In this session, you will have the opportunity to consider your team culture as it relates to healthy feedback and communication. You will be introduced to the "Conflict Continuum", and assess the main challenges you experience when it comes to giving feedback. A framework for effective one-on-one meetings, anchored in performance and growth, will also be introduced.
This session is best suited for nonprofit leadership, board chairs, or other nonprofit employees interested in learning more about healthy feedback communication.
Karen Lum is the owner of K. Lum Consulting – as a “Business Co-Pilot”, Karen supports leaders who are growing or elevating their businesses and teams. Her services include one-on-one business coaching, facilitated planning sessions, employee training and program development & implementation. With 25 years of facilitation experience, her training clients include non-profit organizations, small and large businesses, and several luxury service and high-end brands. As a certified business coach, Karen supports clients to prioritize working on their business, rather than just working in it; they gain perspective, heightened awareness, and actionable steps to improve, scale and succeed.
If there is anything One Valley Community Foundation can do to make this session more accessible for you, please contact Chloe Loffelholz at or 406-587-6262 x 70.