One Valley Community Foundation Annual Report 2022
2022: A Year of Reflection, Learning, and Action
On behalf of those who support One Valley Community Foundation, we are honored to share our 2022 annual report with you. This report provides examples and stories about how, in 2022, we leveraged lessons learned over the past few years to be responsive to community needs today and care for our neighbors in new ways. We hope you will take the time to read them all.
We know that the work of the Community's Foundation is never done alone, and you were key to our success this past year. You gave, you shared, and you showed up. Time and time again, you reminded us that while change is the constant in Gallatin County, there are some things that we can still count on, like neighbors helping neighbors.
This past year, your investment of time, talents, treasures, and connections in One Valley Community Foundation allowed us to thrive and grow. You are the foundation on which the future of One Valley and our community is built. We are deeply grateful for your continued support of One Valley – and we're proud of all we accomplished together. Thank you!